a blog about Kilt and her kids plus Trouble our JRT mascot.

My photo
Sequim, Washington, United States

Friday, August 13, 2010

"A run doesn't define you"

........whether it be piss poor or fabulously good. Win, place, or lose...keep on trucking'. I agree with Lora......"each dog is a new journey." I was so lucky that I had Jet for my first dog. Someone asked me the other day ( I believe it was Bryan)....gosh, wouldn't it be nice to know what you know now and take 5 yrs. off his age. Oh yeah. We are a team.

Kilt is 5 going on 6 and we aren't a team yet. We have had more disasterous runs than I like to think about. Really, even though we garnered a few open points, it isn't anything to brag about. This bitch has so much potential. We just haven't teamed up...at least not on the trial field. She is everything and then some as a ranch dog. I'll brag all day about her ranch work.

And, their daughter, Yoko.....not quite sure yet. Upright, loose eyed, not a whole lot of come forward, BUT...big (but) here...she gets the job done. Yoko is a team player from the get-go. Since they are my pets first and foremost, we will continue on. Hey, we already made the national nursery finals. Probably not a biggie for anybody else, but since I do my own training and this is a pup I bred, I was pretty excited about it. Why aren't we going? Because she isn't ready. Pure and simple.

I don't let my ego get the best of me. I'm pretty factual about where I'm at with my training of my dogs. I love every minute of it. And, as long as I keep enjoying it, I'll keep getting up those early mornings and truckin' on out to train. :0) I know my dogs LOVE it.


Karen said...

I love the way you see things....great attitude:)

And I had a hard time finding this post, as it was waaaaaay down at the bottom of the page under all the pictures on the left. Not even sure why I scrolled all the way down there, but it was worth it!

gvmama said...

It comes on the top of the page for me.....But, at my work computers they come up in a different arrangement. Must be something with AOL. :0)