a blog about Kilt and her kids plus Trouble our JRT mascot.

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Sequim, Washington, United States

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sometimes the "wrong" dog is a blessing

Many times I read posts or hear handlers say "If it isn't working out between the handler and the dog, let the dog go to someone else." The handler should look for another partner to team up with that is better suited for them.
Most of the time, I think the above statement is a correct assumption. But, here is the flip side. The journey may be much longer with a dog that is "difficult" for you to handle, but think about how much you will learn on the journey. You may become the better handler for it (in the long run.)

But, if you want quicker success, you can always look for another dog that suits you and your ability. I don't do anything QUICKLY. I'm a Capricorn. Capricorns are known to be successful and get the job done sooner or later. Most of the time, "later."
I have learned a wealth of knowledge from my hardest dog for me to handle. There have been tears and frustration, but I think I would have missed many lessons if I had given up.
"A little knowledge actually means there is a lot more to know and the discovery of new information is what makes learning interesting. The more interesting a subject becomes, the more we try to learn. Learning is never complete. Each time we learn something, we empower ourselves to gain much more knowledge." The Nine Secrets of Perfect Horsemanship

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