a blog about Kilt and her kids plus Trouble our JRT mascot.

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Sequim, Washington, United States

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Very glad I came even though my dogs have had little stock work of late. Tomorrow is day 4 of trialing. Kilt has let me down x 3. She won't stop at the top. She won't consider taking a down whistle until she is past the fetch panels. Ugh. I'm not giving up on Kilt. She is a great sheep dog; I just haven't unlocked the " team up with me key" yet. Now, her daughter, Yoko, has made the trip worthwhile. You hate to drive almost 900 miles one way to have your dogs work like crap. Yoko has given me 110%. Friday was the best day because the range lambs were un dog broke and fresh. They didn't have a leader and were clueless as where to go. This gives your dog such great feel trying to show them the way. Yoko is in pronovice all 4 days and running in open non-competively ( so she can still keep her pro-novice standing). I think she has done a fantabulous job! And, she has worked in less than ideal situations...can you say wind so hard that I had to hold onto the post from falling over!!!!! Yoko has run 3 open classes now and finished all 3 missing very few panels and getting her shed and pen. Way beyond my expectations! All oh her outruns and lifts have been spot on. Even today when she had to grip confronting sheep on the lift. She bit and then put them back together in time to make the fetch panels. She is listening so much better on the fetch. I wish her Mother would take a few lessons from her. Thsy get to work many different fields which is such great experience for them. Ypko has made herself tall and walked into confronting range lambs. She is really growing up. For as little as I get to work her, I'm thrilled with her. Tomorrow is our last day. I may stick around Tuesday morning to work with you kow who......awww YOU Kilt. :0)

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