a blog about Kilt and her kids plus Trouble our JRT mascot.

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Sequim, Washington, United States

Monday, February 13, 2012

Wet Training Day

I woke up to our mountain enveloped in a cloud of heavy mist/light rain.  I fed the pups, Champ and Fly, then, let them out to run for a bit until they were wet and cold.  I decided this was a good time to introduce them to the puppy X-pen on the porch with some toys.  I put a tarp down and a blanket with a snuggle disc under the blankie for them.  Of course, they pulled up the tarp and tore up all of my neatly arranged bedding for them.  In this photo they are trying to look like the little 8 week old angels they are not!

I have several of these snuggle discs.  You put them in the microwave for about 6-7 min. and they stay warm for up to 10 hrs. Man oh man...have they ever come in handy for the pups. $25/per disc

(Pet Supply Imports) Snuggle Safe is simply the safest way to heat your pet’s bed. Snuggle Safe is a disc shaped device that contains non-toxic Thermapol. Just a few minutes in the microwave (times vary due to wattage) and you will have all night or all day warmth for your furry friend. Simply slide Snuggle Safe under the bedding and it will provide safe, gentle warmth for up to 12 hours. Perfect for every kind of pet. Snuggle Safe can be used anywhere for your pet’s bedding. Ideal for newborn, convalescing and elderly pets.

Moving from X-pen to puppy crates indoors. Wet Jet lying in front of the puppy crates.  The pups get bully sticks as a reward when they kennel in their crates.  Jet, et al, are all wondering where their bully sticks are?  Sorry guys; I only have some for the pups.  I guess I should order some new ones on line today.
Champ is in the  larger red crate.  The reason Fly is in the smaller crate is because she is going to be flying in Trouble's sherpa bag on the plane this Saturday.  She needs to get used to tight spaces.  The neat thing is that she is really food motivated.  She is quite content with her bully stick.  Champ AKA Mr. Whiny is doing just that...worrying and whining a bit.

Trouble's sherpa bag that Fly will be using to fly back to PA. with his new owner on Saturday.  I think she will be a good passenger. :0)


Laura Carson said...

I bought two or three of those discs for my older arthritic dogs a few years ago - and they've come in VERY handy! I like them, a lot!

gvmama said...

For me, too.....LOL